The Blue Tango Project Blog


It takes a while to ease into the rhythm of the road. Even for a couple of road warriors like ourselves who spend most of the year traveling from place to place making music and art, there is a process of acclimatization. The transition from being stationary to being in movement is always the biggest transition. Which is why we yearn for it so much. We all want that change to wash over us.

Following the glorious dream of the Argentine Passions Tour in July with Mavi Díaz & Las Folkies, the Blue Tango Project struck off on its own with concerts in SF, Fort Bragg, Portland, Tacoma, Vancouver BC and last night in Boise, Idaho.

Our People of the Road Tour is all about the people we meet out here on the road. New friends who come up after a concert to confess that they cried. Old friends who have become family and who we long to see each year on the tour. We find our people on the road. We are a tribe. We gravitate towards each other.

This tour is a turning point for us. (Yeah, that’s just an intuition. But it is a strong feeling.) The exact nature of the transformation will become clearer down the road. All we can hope for is that we become more and more ourselves through this experience. It is always a quest for a deeper truth.

María & Kevin